How to Master the Art of Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is the nuanced art of capturing one of the most important days in a person's life. Wedding photographers provide a very special service to society, giving shape to the manner in which families remember the day they came together. 

Wedding photography is one of the most financially rewarding artistic professions in vogue today because it is indispensable to the newlyweds' grander theme of romance. It has also become the most common option for practitioners of the craft of photography to keep earning a living wage. 

As a prevalent part of commercial photography, wedding photography encompasses several fertile branches of photography. It may include portrait photography, concept, documentary, and candid photography. An imaginative wedding photographer will not just document weddings and related events. She can also borrow conventions from landscape photography, architecture, interior design, event planning, and storytelling. A wedding photography assignment can include capturing records of elaborate ceremonies and bridal portraits before the wedding, including the preparation of announcements, thank you cards, etc. It may also include post-wedding activities such as the reception. 

How to become a great wedding photographer

A good wedding photographer is comfortable around people and has a trustworthy personality. She has an eye for detail and practices discretion. Here are some of the best qualities that make for a great wedding photographer.

Dealing with Pressure

Since a couple wants their wedding day to be documented in the most comprehensive manner possible, they would want to invest in hiring a good wedding photographer. Because of this, there is pressure on the photographer to perform exceptionally well. 

Photographers are expected to provide clients with visually creative images, which appear larger-than-life. Photographers need to be aware that there will not be second chances if something does go wrong. They, therefore, need to practice several photography skills and abilities to deal with issues in a short high-pressure environment. However, to insulate themselves from legal disputes, photographers should insist on a formal contract. 

Delivering the Latest Look

A great wedding photographer has to keep up with the times and read up on 'fashionable poses', bridal hair styles, makeup, and wedding gowns. Couples are wont to demand specific looks they saw off Bridal Guide or Modern Wedding. Bridal magazines are continuously pushing barriers, advertising exotic locales, extravagant dresses, dramatic and entertaining themes. A photographer is expected to be conversational with a throng of different magazine-style photos that clients are likely to demand. 

Observing Carefully

A critical part of the wedding photographer's job is to anticipate the fleeting moments and rare expressions that are likely to come up during the wedding. It is her job to make sure they become a beautiful part of family history. Because a wedding is an emotional and joyous occasion, there will be a lot of these special moments that photographers can latch on to. As the photographer gains in experience, she will become better at predicting candid outpourings from emotional couples and their kin. 

Perfect Timing

Observation would be useless if the photographer is not able to capture the moment. Photographers, therefore, have to be prepared and be present at the right place and time. Photographers must know the event schedule by heart so that they can prepare beforehand. Do your homework in terms of being in the right place before time. Get the right gear based on the type of shot that the situation requires. 

Another skill that photographers must practice is to be able to react and not overthink. They will miss the shot if they wait too long. Emotional expressions or actions have peaks and lows, and a photographer has to try to capture those peak moments. 

Seeing the Best in People

What differentiates a good photographer from a great one is the latter's ability to see the best in a person. Instructing a person to pose and adjust the situation and lighting to capture that best side is an integral trait of a great wedding photographer. 

Photographers should strive to conceal the imperfections that they notice in a person, especially in wedding photography. There may be clients who want to document themselves as they are and the event as it unfolds; photographers then may have to go for the documentary wedding photography approach. 

Telling the Story

Photographers, through their pictures of the special day, chronicle the story of the wedding couple. They see a pattern and form a compelling narrative. When the client sees the final album, she should be able to recall the experience and emotions they went through, as well as connect to the event with the help of photographs.

Wedding Photography Styles

Different wedding photographers have different styles of shooting, and photographers can even craft an identity around their unique styles. Many of these styles overlap with each other as there are no strict standards followed by wedding photographers. Also, the client can demand that you shoot their wedding photos in a specific style, or they may choose photographers whose style matches what they want. Here are some common wedding photography styles that you need to know:

Traditional Wedding Photography

If you notice the photos of your parent's wedding album, it might probably have been shot in the traditional wedding photography style. In this style, photographers have to take full control of the occasion by making people pose and take their shots. Those shots would include group photos, shots of the cake, wine toasting, first kiss of the couple, and so on. This way of photographing the ceremony has been prevalent for a long time. People opt for the classic wedding photography style to get all the main shots of everything that is going on.